Bio almond oil

Today we want to talk about a product that has many benefits and for many people it may still be unknown, it is almond oil.

First of all, we must know where the almond oil comes from. As its name suggests, we obtain this oil from sweet almonds, it can be obtained through three different processes: Supercritical fluids, solvents and by cold pressing.

Cold pressing process is the most used process to obtain virgin almond oil, it is a natural system that allows to preserve all the nutrients of the almond, thus achieving a quality product.

Once the almond is processed, that is to say, when it is shelled, it is crushed into a kind of flour, later subject this flour to a cold pressing process to defat it and obtain thus the precious almond oil.

This type of oil can be conventional and organic or bio almond oil, without chemical treatments.

This oil has a pale yellow color, with a natural smell and a certain viscous texture.

Once we know where it comes from and how it is obtained, we will describe the properties and uses of this product.

Almond oil is characterized by being rich in nutrients. It is a powerful antioxidant, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, with a high content of iron, zinc, calcium, proteins, vitamins A, B and E

This oil can be used for hair and body.

It has several benefits for the skin, highlighting its hydration power, which helps us to keep the skin in good condition, hydrated and nourished, to which the fact of being emollient also favors since it manages to soften, soften the skin and also prevent wrinkles and stretch marks.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it suitable for irritated skin or that has suffered some type of abrasion. Its use is also advisable for babies, especially for the treatment of scabs.

Its use on the scalp goes beyond hydration, almond oil has been shown to help fight dandruff, so its presence in anti-dandruff treatments is very important.

It is also very frequently used in body massages since its texture makes it very easy to adapt to the body.

For all this, we can say that we are facing an excellent product, which both due to its characteristics and its properties, is very beneficial for our body, in addition, if it is organic virgin almond oil, many of the properties are multiplied.

2020 California Almond Forecast

Yesterday, May 12, 2020, the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service published the 2020 California Almond Forecast.

This forecast is carried out every year and it the methodology it uses is based on conducting a survey of a representative sample of almond growers, around 500 of whom participe in it.In this forecast, almond growers are asked about their almond yield per acre from last year and expected yield fo the current year.

The results show us a record numbers. For the 2020 California almond production is estimated in 3.0 billion pounds, which means an increase of 17,6% compared last crop. Regarding forecasted bearing acreage for 2020. There is a record high of 1,260,000. Forecasted yield is 2,380 pounds per acre, 10.2 percent higher than the 2019 yield of 2,160 pounds per acre.

For all this, we can say that we are facing an unprecedented harvest in California and with a similar demand to that currently year, prices should be lower for the next harvest. We will continue analyzing their trend to see what level they can be placed.

It is also correct to have into account the exceptional situation we have because of the Covid-19, which is causing certain instability and which prevents us from knowing certainty what the behavior market will be.

Fuente: United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service

Healthy confinement at home

In these difficult times we are going through, stay at home is, without doubt, the best option to solve this global problem. Everybody must contribute to the solution of this situation. All of us must contribute our grain of sand and contribute to the solution of this situation

For many people, the fact of staying at home, can be a tremendous shock because of they have seen how their jobs, vacations, moments with family, etc. have been truncated. However, this situation must be faced in a different way, with optimism and enthusiasm and this must be transmitted to all the people around us.

In order to carry on our home confinement in a healthier way, we propose you to include nuts in your daily diet, now, we will remind you numerous properites and benefits that this kind of Food can provide us.

Nuts are included in Mediterranean diet. They stand out for their high content of phosphorus, fiber or protein and their high energy level (<4kcal / g). In the table below showed we can see a summary of the nutritional composition about some of them, where we observe how the almond has a higher protein content than the Brazil nut, hazelnut and Macadamia nut, being practically similar to pistachio value.

Nuts help us with prevention of cardiovascular diseases, there are studies that show that they protect us against the development of this kinnd of disease, eating between 4 and 5 portions (35-40g / portion) per week, we can reduce approximately 40% the risk of suffering them.

We can combat cellular aging thanks to the high content of antioxidants, mainly Vitamin E, this means that, if we ingest around 35g daily, we will be able to cover approximately 65% ​​of the daily needs that our body needs.

Its high fiber content will produce a satiating effect and at the same time will facilitate intestinal transit.

As for the fat of nuts, it stands out for its low content in saturated fatty acids, being higher the presence of monounsaturated fatty acids, therefore, it will help us in the protection of coronary health.

For all this, we recommend that, if you still do not have them in your diet, do so today.

Stay well and healthy!

Californian almond harvest

Surprise in the forecasts of Californian almonds harvest

The national statistical service of the Department of Agriculture of the United States has estimated, on July 4, 2019, that the production of Californian almonds will be around the 2,200 million pounds, which means a reduction of 3.5% with respect to the production reached in 2018, which stood at 2,280 million pounds. In addition, this new harvest forecast reduces by 12% the subjective harvest estimation published in May 2019.

The explanation of this decrease in the estimated production is due to several factors such as the intense spring rains (that hindered the pollination of the trees), the damage caused by high winds or the colder temperatures than usual during the development period of the fruit.

The set of fruits per tree is 4,667, that is, 17.8% less than the previous year, with the weight of the fruit (1.54 grams) practically identical to that of the 2018 crop.

The sample began on May 30 and ended on June 27, 2019, taking samples from a total of 1634 trees from 817 different fields.

By reducing the estimated amount of almonds produced by 12%, the prices supposedly will tend to rise, but we will see if the market is able to absorb these prices.

In the following link you can consult the report made by the government of the United States.


The plague of the almond wasp is a fact. On February 28, 2019, the “Diario Oficial de Castilla-La Mancha” has decreed the existence of a plague caused Eurytoma amydali, almond wasp, in the community of Castilla-La Mancha.

It is a hymenoptera insect of the Eurytomidae family, the males usually measure between 4-6mm long and the females between 7-8mm, both are black and elongated. They lay the eggs white, oval in shape and with some protuberances.

When the egg hatches, the larva appears which has a grayish color and it is fed from the almond until it completes its development.

It is during the spring, the date depends on the environmental conditions, when the adults perforate the fruits to cause their exit to the outside, making a hole between 1 and 2 mm in diameter on it.

Once they have left the fruit that had remained in the tree since the previous season, the wasp begins to develop again egg-laying inside the almonds of the new campaign, putting an average of between 50 and 100 eggs , which are divided into several fruits. In addition, before making the egg laying, this insect itches on the stem that joins the fruit to the tree, generating as a kind of glue that makes the fruit stick to the tree more consistently, making it difficult to fall during the period of collection.

The varieties that are most sensitive to this pest are those with the softest and late flowering, among them: Guara, Ferragnes, Penta, etc

This pest can cause damage between 40-80% of the fruits, reducing production by up to 90%. All this has led to the development of a series of exceptional measures aimed at eliminating or reducing this pest completely.

Among the most important is the mandatory application by farmers of plant protection products during the time of emergency of the wasp since the chemical fight is aimed primarily at adults, thus preventing them from making new egg laying. Reaching the egg or the larva is more complicated since they are housed inside the almond.

It is recommended the installation of traps that allow observing the evolution of this insect to be able to program and perform more effectively the application of treatments. And as a cultural measure, it is essential to remove the infected almonds that have remained in the tree of previous campaigns and burn them.

In organic almond plantations, the application of phytosanitary products to combat this pest must also be carried out exceptionally, and the application must be communicated to the control body. In this case, the production obtained cannot be marketed as organic.

Source: Estación regional de avisos agrícolas / Sanidad Vegetal – C.I.A. G El Chaparrillo

Diario Oficial de Castilla-La Mancha.



Agriculture emerged approximately 10,000 years ago in what became known as the “Neolithic revolution”. It was from the moment, the civilization has been trying to modify natural processes in order to obtain the necessary food to satisfy their basic needs.

Throughout this period of time, there have been innumerable technological and productive innovations that have occurred, highlighting the changes that emerged after the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century and especially those arising from the “green revolution” of the mid-twentieth century.

It is precisely the “green revolution” that defines the principles of what is now known as conventional agriculture, an agriculture characterized by the use of agricultural machinery, improved seeds and agrochemicals, aimed at increasing food production without taking into account the damage that these practices can cause to the environment.

And, on the other hand, we have the concept of organic agriculture that emerged at the beginning of the twentieth century as a result of concern for food quality and the conservation of the nature.

At this point we consider the following questions:

1.- Do conventional products have the same quality as organic products?

Organic production uses production methods that differ from those used in conventional agriculture, although both pursue the same objective of achieving high quality food.

Organic farming does not use chemical products to combat pests or weeds, but various agronomic practices are used to avoid these products, such as the rotation of land or the use of more resistant varieties. With organic farming, we look for a fresh, seasonal product, without any chemical treatment that is as natural as possible. Therefore, the quality of organic products may be higher than conventional products.

2.– Do organic products have a different flavor than conventional ones?

Many consumers claim that the taste of organic products is better than conventional products; however, there are no scientific studies that can prove this claim. But it is true that organic products have an authentic flavor, explained by their production in a natural way.

3.- Why are organic products more expensive than conventional ones?

An organic product, as a rule, usually needs more time to be produced, more work, more controls subject to certification and other treatment techniques that a conventional product does not need. All these are costs that have to be imputed to the final price of the product; hence they have a higher price than conventional products.

In summary, whether conventional or organic agriculture, a series of environmental practices can be followed, such as those recommended by FAO that have benefits for both food production and environmental conservation, therefore, agriculture should be promoted, integrated, focused on reducing the use of chemicals in both organic and conventional agriculture and then ensure a natural production.

Leche de almendras

Almond milk

The origin of almond milk dates back to ancient Greece, although it would be during the Middle Ages when this drink became popular, being consumed by both Christians and Muslims.

Almond milk made with almonds became a substitute for cow’s milk during the Lenten season, besides its plant origin, allowed its conservation for a period of time longer than of animal origin. These were the main reasons that led to success.

Almond milk has a flavor that is very similar to cow’s milk, being its aroma much lighter.

Although it is true, it is not a very common product in the shopping cart of consumers, but little by little it has been making inroads into household consumption thanks to the numerous benefits it presents. Its consumption has always been recommended by doctors and specialists.

Among its benefits we could highlight the following:

-Help regulate cholesterol.

-Presents a high content of potassium, which helps improve potassium levels after episodes of diarrhea or vomiting

-Contributes to improve gastritis or gastrointestinal problems

– Its high content of soluble and insoluble natural fiber protects the intestinal wall, especially in favor of the colon, helping to regulate the absorption of sugars and cholesterol.

-High content of vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps prevent the onset of cancer.

-Does not have gluten.

-It contains vitamin B2 that helps strengthen hair and nails.

In addition, this drink is especially indicated for pregnant women since it allows controlling fatigue and dizziness, facilitating digestion or contributing to the correct development of the baby’s bones, among many other factors.

However, although almond milk is a great nutritional food, its consumption is not recommended for all people due to various factors such as allergy to nuts or thyroid problems, therefore, it is recommended to consult first with the doctor.

Finally, we leave you the recipe to make your own almond milk:

Ingredients: One cup of raw almonds, three glasses of water, salt and sugar.

  1. Put the almonds to soak overnight
  2. Drain and clean the almonds
  3. Mix the three glasses of water with the almonds already drained
  4. Blend the mixture for 10 minutes
  5. When everything is well mixed, add a little sugar or honey and a little salt
  6. Strain the mixture obtained in the blender
  7. Enjoy almond milk!

The California Subjective Crop Estimatimation for 2018 is estimated at 2.3 Billion Pounds.

The California Subjective Crop Estimation for 2018 is estimated at 2.3 Billion Pounds

The subjective almond estimation, which is the opinion based on grower interviews by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, suggests almond production could be 2.3 billion pounds this year, slightly higher than last year’s record-setting 2.27 billion pounds of production. Forecasted yield is 2,150 pounds per acre, down 5.3 percent from the 2017 yield of 2,270 pounds per acre.

The 2018 California almond bloom began a few days earlier than normal. The bloom period was extended, due to cold temperatures, and lasted a few weeks. Frosts during bloom hit orchards hard, especially on the east side of the valley. Younger trees were impacted more severely than older trees. Weather during the spring was variable, leading many growers to be unsure about their 2018 crop. As temperatures warmed up in May, nuts were sizing well.

Therefore, this year in spite of all concerns about freezing weather during almond Bloom, we will have a much bigger crop than expected.

This can lead to a slight highward trend in Spanish almond prices due to the spected harvest was higher.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service

The correct pollination for almond trees, guarantee of succes

With the spring coming the almond trees flowering starts, a spectacle of the nature where the almond trees show their colorful and aromatic flowers to attract the attention from the insects, which get feed with the nectar of their flowers and at the same time they make the pollination.

But, which really consists the pollination process in? Basically it consists on transporting the pollen from the stamens to the stigmas, where it germinates and finished fertilizing the ovules of the flowers which afterwards the almonds appear. The pollen transport is produced mainly through the insects, being the bees the most common within the pollination vectors.

In the almond tree, the pollination is a very important process; a correct pollination process is traduced to a remarkable increase in the production, even reaching levels from 25% to 30% of increases. This doesn’t affect only to trees which are not self-fertile, it must also be had into account for new varieties if want to improve its efficiency.

Because of that, there are some elements which are essential in order to establish a correct plantation; between them we can find the design, the hive positions and the election of self-fertile varieties.

Xylella Fastidiosa, a problem for the almond sector

The Xylella Fastidiosa is starting to be a serious problem which threats a huge part of almond trees of the east of Spain and the Spanish almond sector.

It began being an exceptional thing in Europe, located in the Italian region of Puglia, it has been converted to a plague which has been extended by various zones of the Spanish geography.

These bacteria, which are transmitted by a kind of sucking insects, block the flow of the sap until it causes the death of the plant. It doesn’t only affect almond trees, it also affect olive trees, peach trees, apricot trees….Being translated to numbers it could affect to five millions of hectares, this reflect the grate magnitude it can reach if we do not control its expansion on time.

For the time being, there are not phytosanitary treatments in order to prevent it or eliminate it, for this reason its control is limited to manage the plants of garden centers for new fields and destroy the affected trees.

This is an illness which is causing big losses in the almond sector in many zones where it has been cultivate very traditionally, we are seeing how a huge number of fields are being uproot, this is translated to important reductions in the almond production.